The Smart Brain Pain Syndrome

Accessible for all readers - Samantha

This is a much needed resource for teens and young adults to get the information and help they need first hand in a clear, accessible, easy to understand format. Chronic pain is so isolating and confusing, and doctors can be dismissive, vague and blaming. This book explains what is happening and how to help resolve this difficult issue. The format is fun and inviting, while still addressing the complexity of chronic pain. A must read for all teens and young adults with chronic pain!

One of a kind - Alexa Hamilton

The authors take very difficult - to - understand concepts and explain them eloquently so a layman like myself can understand chronic pain. The tools laid out in this book are very helpful and are relatable to teens and young adults. I would 10/10 recommend!

Essential Resource - Myron Pulier

Chronic pain that has no apparent cause is poorly understood by most doctors. A simple prescription of this or that medicine, even strong narcotics, is no solution. The world's top experts in chronic pain have written a clear, practical how-to guide for the people who are best able to take charge and make things better: the patients themselves. There are science-grounded explanations and descriptions of specific ways for teens and young adults to get their lives back on track after years of struggle and setbacks.

A book that provides answers and a pathway to living with chronic pain - Anke

A great book for adolescents and children to provide answers but more importantly a pathway to live with chronic pain. It is a book of hope and it provides coping skills that have been proven to work with chronic pain. The authors have studied and worked with the pediatric pain population for many years. This is a must read for anybody that works with families or has been diagnosed with chronic pain.

A guide to pain relief in teens that they will actually follow! - Leah Ellenberg

This practical, well researched and clear guide to how chronic pain starts and how to stop it is a game changer! Teens can take control of their lives and their pain, increasing their independence and coping skills in ways that will help them throughout their lives. As a clinician who sees teens with functional pain syndromes, I have waited for a book like this and will recommend it often.

In the last twenty years the authors have revolutionized the treatment of pain. - M. Jacob

In the last twenty years the authors of this book have helped to revolutionize the treatment of pain. Anybody who has once been told that the pain is “all in their head” or in “their imagination” will know instantly how needed their new approach to pain has become. Work with them and see for yourself! Peg Jacob

Teems and young adults with pain should have this information

Understanding how the brain is key to the maintenance of chronic pain is the first step in truly being able to begin to manage it. This book smartly is aimed at teens and young adults who, by gaining this knowledge and these skills early, can hopefully avoid a lifelong history of suffering.

Amazing book written for teens and parents experience chronic pain - Zane Weston

This book did a great job of relating to the persons, family, and all experiencing chronic pain. Great references to help all understand the technical processes of pain. Great book and I will definitely recommend!

Critical book written for teens and young adults - Deana M Luchs

As someone who has suffered with fibromyalgia almost my whole life, I wish someone had written a book like this when I was young. It would have helped me immensely! Excellent book!

Great resource with actionable ideas - C Frac

This book was full of concrete ways to help my child understand her pain, the science behind the pain, and with great suggestions on how to help herself through the pain.

Concise and Helpful - JenEllen

A clear and concise introduction for those dealing with pain who have already exhausted the typical medical avenues available to deal with pain. The examples and explanations were easy to understand, and the illustrations helped with comprehension. There are a few workbook-like pages to help the reader progress and determine what might be a solution or heading in the right direction to deal with pain.