Book Cover
The Dyslexic Handbook



The Dyslexic Handbook

Genius Edition!

Jimmy Huston

Who buys a book for a kid with dyslexia?

Perhaps giving a self-help book to a dyslexic kid is like offering a drink of water to someone who is drowning, but this book demystifies reading difficulties and gives helpful advice for navigating school -- and life -- with dyslexia.

A light look at dealing with the difficulties of growing up with dyslexia. 

Emphasis is placed on general problems that many kids confront and suggestions for dealing with those problems in a positive way. 

In some cases, parents or teachers should read this aloud to kids. 

Large Print.
Special Dyslexic-friendly typeface.

41 pages
38 full-color illustrations

About the Author

Jimmy Huston proudly holds the collegiate record for the most unforced typographical errors in a single word. He dedicates this book to his wonderful dyslexic daughters and wife who have made him so very tired.