ADHD Cookbook

Uniquely Entertaining - Leslie Blooom

I am loving this book and truly believe anyone who is ADD, ADHD or know someone who is, should read this book. Not only is it uniquely entertaining, it is very informative and outlines the issues of ADD and ADHD. After 60 years of dealing with it myself, I finally have some clarity. Thank you for writing such a thorough and fun book experience.

Hilarious and Helpful - ginaginagina

I picked this book up at the International Dyslexia Association conference and laughed my way through it, and my ADHD kid enjoyed reading it, too. I am a big proponent of helping children understand their own brains and learning styles so they can advocate for themselves, so I highly recommend this book to help a child better understand what it means to have ADHD.

You can deal with ADHD and overcome it and you can have a good time doing it! - PB

This book is for parents, teachers, and people who have ADHD and want to know what they can do to fit it in to their lives. Jimmy Huston puts his wry humor to good use in this guide to overcoming some of the problems that come with ADHD. First, he tells us it is not a problem to overcome, it is a difference to recognize. You will be a successful person, once you and the people you deal with everyday learn the tools you need to help you focus. You need to have breaks. You may need to draw or doodle. You may need to get up and walk around. You need to find out what really interests you and become really good at it. You can do it. A lot of famous, successful people have done it. You're in good company if you have ADHD.

Very Entertaining - JenEllen

The title page tells you to start at page 23, and from there you are led on a twisty path of pages to read the book, and that's when I knew what a huge appeal this book might have for someone whose attention is challenged. There are upside-down pages and pages you have to read in a mirror - to say this is not a normal book is an understatement. I think this would be a great addition to anyone's book collection. As always with this author, the book is creative from cover to cover. A friend gave me this book.